.. Reminder for header structure: Parts (H1) : #################### with overline Chapters (H2) : ******************** with overline Sections (H3) : ==================== Subsections (H4) : -------------------- Subsubsections (H5) : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraphs (H6) : """"""""""""""""""""" .. |date| date:: .. meta:: :description: Using Python to administer Samba-AD :keywords: Security, Samba-AD, documentation, python, python-samdb .. _samba_python_samdb: ################################### Using Python to administer Samba-AD ################################### You can find the official documentation of the api on the `Samba website `_. .. note:: Samba Python API are based on Python 3.6 or higher. **************************************** Importing the necessary Python libraries **************************************** .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import getpass import ldb from samba.auth import system_session from samba.credentials import Credentials from samba.dcerpc import security from samba.dcerpc.security import dom_sid from samba.ndr import ndr_pack, ndr_unpack from samba.param import LoadParm from samba.samdb import SamDB ********************************************** Creating the Python classes that will help you ********************************************** * For opening a connection in LDAP mode (with a network access): .. code-block:: python lp = LoadParm() creds = Credentials() creds.guess(lp) creds.set_username('user_account_name') creds.set_password('my_super_password') samdb = SamDB(url='ldap://', session_info=system_session(),credentials=creds, lp=lp) * For opening a live connection on the LDB database (direct access to the LDB database files): .. code-block:: python lp = LoadParm() creds = Credentials() creds.guess(lp) samdb = SamDB(url='/var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb', session_info=system_session(),credentials=creds, lp=lp) ********************************** Acting on the Organizational Units ********************************** Deleting an Organizational Unit =============================== .. code-block:: python def delete_ou(samdb, dn): samdb.transaction_start() try: samdb.delete(dn) except: samdb.transaction_cancel() raise else: samdb.transaction_commit() delete_ou(samdb,'OU=department,OU=city,DC=mydomain,DC=lan') Creating an Organizational Unit =============================== .. code-block:: python samdb.create_ou('OU=department,OU=city,DC=mydomain,DC=lan') *************** Acting on users *************** Creating a user =============== .. code-block:: python samdb.newuser(username="test-toto",password='password') Deleting a user =============== .. code-block:: python samdb.deleteuser(username="jpdrole") Setting a user’s password ========================= .. code-block:: python samdb.setpassword("(sAMAccountName=test-toto)", "123456", force_change_at_next_login=False, username=None) Moving a user to another Organizational Unit ============================================ .. code-block:: python samdb.rename('CN=test-toto,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=lan','CN=test-toto,OU=tata,OU=tranquilit,DC=mydomain,DC=lan') **************** Acting on groups **************** Creating a group ================ .. code-block:: python samdb.newgroup(groupname='waptselfservice') Adding a user or machine to a group =================================== .. code-block:: python samdb.add_remove_group_members(groupname='waptselfservice', members=['test-toto','dcardon','vcardon'], add_members_operation=True) Deleting a user or machine from a group ======================================= .. code-block:: python samdb.add_remove_group_members(groupname='waptselfservice', members=['test-toto','dcardon','vcardon'], add_members_operation=False) ********************************************************* Searching for objects in an Active Directory Samba Forest ********************************************************* Displaying all user, group, computer objects ============================================ .. code-block:: python query = "(|(objectclass=user)(objectclass=computer)(objectclass=group))" result = samdb.search('DC=mydomain,DC=lan', expression=query, scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE) for item in result: if 'sAMAccountName' in item: print(item['distinguishedName']) print(item['sAMAccountName']) Searching for an object by its sAMAccountName ============================================= .. code-block:: python query = ("(sAMAccountName=test-toto)") result = samdb.search('DC=mydomain,DC=lan', expression=query, scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE) ******************** Acting on attributes ******************** Modifying an attribute ====================== .. warning:: **Watch the indentation**. The second line of the :abbr:`LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format)` string (here *changetype*) and all subsequent lines must not be indented as is usually done in Python, because LDIF parsers do not accept spaces at the beginning of lines. .. code-block:: python ldif_data = """dn: %s changetype: modify replace: mail mail: test-toto@tranquil.it """ % dn samdb.modify_ldif(ldif_data) Adding an attribute =================== .. warning:: **Watch the indentation**. The second line of the :abbr:`LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format)` string (here *changetype*) and all subsequent lines must not be indented as is usually done in Python, because LDIF parsers do not accept spaces at the beginning of lines. .. code-block:: python ldif_data = """dn: CN=test-toto,OU=tata,OU=tranquilit,DC=mydomain,DC=lan changetype: modify add: telephoneNumber telephoneNumber: 0102030405 """ samdb.modify_ldif(ldif_data)