Advanced features of Samba Active Directory
- Reinforcing the security of your Samba Active Directory domain
- Turning off null session connections
- Turning off NetBIOS
- Disabling printer support
- Turning off NTLMv1
- Replacing the certificate with a certificate validated by your Organization
- Generating additional password hashes
- Protecting DNS fields wpad and isatap
- Limiting the range of dynamic ports
- Limiting the subnets that can do DNS recursion
- Auditing DNS Bind queries
- Auditing access to SYSVOL and NetLogon directories
- Limiting kerberos cipher suites
- Applying a password strategy with Samba-AD
- Configuring LAPS for Samba-AD
- Resetting the krbtgt account password
- Configuring Rsyslog for Samba-AD
- Configuring Fail2ban for Samba-AD
- Backing up and restoring a Samba domain
- Storing Bitlocker keys in Samba Active Directory
- Auditing Samba-AD with PingCastle
- Change Domain Controler IP Address
- Deny service account open Windows session