Avis de sécurité

Les avis de sécurité pour Samba sont répertoriés ci-dessous.


Avant de mettre à jour samba, merci de lire attentivement tous les avis de sécurité. Certains changements peuvent casser la production.

Samba 4.19.3 Security Releases

This is the latest stable release of the Samba 4.19 release series.
It contains the security-relevant bug CVE-2018-14628:

Wrong ntSecurityDescriptor values for "CN=Deleted Objects"
allow read of object tombstones over LDAP
(Administrator action required!)

Samba 4.19.1, 4.18.8 and 4.17.12 Security Releases

o CVE-2023-3961:  Unsanitized pipe names allow SMB clients to connect as root to
                  existing unix domain sockets on the file system.

o CVE-2023-4091:  SMB client can truncate files to 0 bytes by opening files with
                  OVERWRITE disposition when using the acl_xattr Samba VFS
                  module with the smb.conf setting
                  "acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes"

o CVE-2023-4154:  An RODC and a user with the GET_CHANGES right can view all
                  attributes, including secrets and passwords.  Additionally,
                  the access check fails open on error conditions.

o CVE-2023-42669: Calls to the rpcecho server on the AD DC can request that the
                 server block for a user-defined amount of time, denying

o CVE-2023-42670: Samba can be made to start multiple incompatible RPC
                  listeners, disrupting service on the AD DC.