Installing and configuring Hybrid DNS

Tranquil IT recommends the use of both Samba-AD internal DNS server and Bind. The Samba-AD internal DNS server will handle internal queries, while Bind will manage external ones. This configuration uses few resources and benefits from the caching functionality provided by Bind.

  • Install the Bind package:

    yum install bind bind-utils
  • Modify the options section of the file /etc/named.conf (remember to modify the forwarder):

    options {
        directory "/var/named";
        // Exemple de forwarder :
        forwarders {
        allow-query { any; };
        dnssec-validation no;
        minimal-responses yes;
        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
        listen-on-v6 port 5353 { ::1; };
        listen-on port 5353 {; };
  • If needed, you can set a forwarder for a specific zone, modify the local section of the file /etc/named.conf:

    zone "myforwardedzone.lan" {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders {; } ;
  • Disable IPv6 bind on the local network in /etc/sysconfig/named:

    # startup options for the server
  • In /etc/samba/smb.conf, add the following line:

    dns forwarder =
  • Finally restart the samba and named services:

    systemctl restart samba
    systemctl restart named

Ensuring the correct configuration of Bind

  • Ensure that the Bind server is listening on port 5353:

    netstat -tapn | grep 5353
      tcp     0    0*    LISTEN      5291/named
  • Test local and recursive queries:

    dig @localhost
    dig @localhost srvads.mydomain.lan
    dig -t SRV @localhost _ldap._tcp.mydomain.lan

Congratulations, your configuration is moving forward and you have just taken another step towards the solidity and efficacy of your Samba-AD installation.

Now, we will configure the NTP service so that your Samba-AD and the workstations of your network are all on the right time and synchronized!!